School and education

Whether a district is a good place to live and work also depends on its educational opportunities. The Main Taunus district’s school building program has created ideal conditions for learning. Over the years, the Main Taunus district has already spent hundreds of millions of Euros for the cause. Buildings and gymnasiums have been and will be rebuilt, enlarged or refurbished, rooms created for childcare.
In the district there are 25 secondary schools, five of which are privately owned, all of whom have all-day schooling available. Children can, also, at every one of the 37 primary schools, either choose a childcare place or visit an after-school care centre. The way to school plans provide information about safe routes to school. The school database makes it possible to have a complete overview of the district’s schools.
Talking of ways to get to school: under certain conditions, pupils will be reimbursed their carriage charges. And because school days are quite often long days: lunch at school is provided.
A modern school development is unimaginable without school social work. Moreover, nowadays school means: Special steering towards art, music and literature. With projects like Intermezzo there are no limits to creativity. At the same time school is a place, in which interested parties can defend their own interests, for instance in the district parents’ council. At the same time committees such as the district pupils‘council provide young citizens with their first possibilities within a democratic special interest group.
Learning also continues beyond primary and secondary school: That is why the Main Taunus district’s further education college has a comprehensive programme for children and young people and also adults ready.
A list of public and private schools in the Main Taunus district (in German) can be found here:
Auflistung der Schulen im Main-Taunus-Kreis zum Download (12.95 KB)