You can live well and safely in the Main Taunus district. Admittedly due to the district‘s location and economic power, it also attracts uninvited guests; but because of the police’s collaboration with local government and initiatives, it is, nevertheless, one of the safest districts in the whole of Hesse, the crime clearance rate of crimes often lies clearly above the national average.
Safety is not only the responsibility of the police in this district. The prevention council is also a linchpin in the battle against criminals. It makes a contribution, for instance by giving information about the prevention of domestic burglaries. Information about approximately 360 prevention projects can be found here.
We hold safety in our schools near and dear: a colour coding system ensures that, in an emergency the police and emergency services can get to the place of action quickly.
The citizens themselves, who are becoming increasingly active for their cause, are another success factor. In addition to this, the prevention project „Beware, neighbourhood watch“ , has counted on vigilance in residential neighbourhoods.
Safety also plays a significant roll in other aspects of life. The department of fire prevention and rescue services therefore provides a number of services relating to danger and hazard prevention. In addition it runs, around the clock, the central office switchboard for the emergency telephone number 112. Besides this, twelve local volunteer fire brigades, from 35 sites, are on stand-by. The rescue service is also tightly organised: across five ambulance stations and two emergency doctor sites.