How to find us
Hofheim’s administrative district office

Der Kreisausschuss
Am Kreishaus 1-5
65719 Hofheim
Postal address
Postfach 1480
65704 Hofheim
Route to the administrative district office (by car)

from the direction of Wiesbaden:
A 66 Wiesbaden-Frankfurt, take the exit Hofheim am Taunus (no. 11), turn right, direction Hofheim, follow the route, when in Hofheim-Marxheim follow the signs showing right, direction “Landratsamt”.
from the direction of Frankfurt:
A 66 Frankfurt-Wiesbaden, after Krifteler Dreieck get into the rightmost lane and take the exit Hofheim am Taunus, turn right in the direction of Eppstein/Hofheim/Kriftel, follow the route approx. 2.6 km, then turn left into Frankfurter Straße (see signs for Landratsamt).
Route to the administrative district office (by public transport)
from Frankfurt main train station or from Höchst direction respectively:
S-Bahn line S 2 direction Niedernhausen or City Express (Stadtexpress) direction Limburg to Hofheim train station, then either on foot using the exit at the far end of the train station – uphill and stay left (follow the signs) – entrance across the inner courtyard or by town bus 405 direction "Landratsamt", using the exit at the front of the train station, the bus station.
from the Main Taunus district:
S-Bahn line S 2, Buses 262 / 263, 809, 810, 812, 834, City Express 20 to Hofheim, town bus 405 direction "Landratsamt" using the exit at the front of the train station to the bus station.
Road traffic department

In den Nassen 2
65719 Hofheim
Postal address
Postfach 1480
65704 Hofheim
Route to the road traffic department
from direction of Wiesbaden:
A 66 Wiesbaden-Frankfurt, exit Zeilsheim (14), turn left, direction Hofheim, turn right, direction vehicle registration office (Kfz.-Zulassungsstelle) at the second set of traffic lights (before the fire station), then turn right into Nordring, after 200 m turn left into In den Nassen.
from direction of Frankfurt:
A 66 Frankfurt-Wiesbaden, exit Zeilsheim (14), turn right, direction Hofheim, turn right, direction Kfz.-Zulassungsstelle at the first traffic light (before the fire station), then turn right into Nordring, after 200 m turn left into In den Nassen.
By public transport:
from Hofheim by bus 812 direction Eschborn-Niederhöchstadt Steinbacher Straße. Then get off at the bus stop "In den Nassen/Therme".
Furher external offices
In addition the department of fire prevention and rescue services as well as the construction and real estate office belong to the district administrative office.