Nature and leisure time

Recreational fun and experience of nature are strongly linked in the Main Taunus area. Here are a few tips, how and where it can be enjoyed.

Baumpark Arboretum

Araucarias in the Main Taunus arboretum

The tree park extends over the landmark limits of Eschborn, Schwalbach and Sulzbach. In the arboretum visitors can get to know forest associations, directly next to each other, from four regions of the northern hemisphere‘s temperate zone: North America, East Asia, the Middle East and Central Europe. The trees and bushes from these four regions make similar demands regarding the amount of precipitation, temperature and seasonal distribution.

The planted entities range from deciduous forests from North America and Central Europe, northern subsequently boreal coniferous forests through to those sclerophyllus plants originating in southern Central Europe and adapted to a warmer and drier climate. Even the native giant trees, the Sierran redwoods, in the coniferous forests in western North America, can be gazed at in amazement. Having said this, these trees still need several years before they can demonstrate their mightiness.

Would you like to find out more about this extraordinary tree park (in German language), then click here.


Boniface Route

St. Peter and Paul church in Hochheim

The 180-kilometre long hiking trail and pilgrim route follows in the tracks of Boniface’s funeral procession. In 754, the missionary’s corpse was taken along this route from Mainz to its resting place in Fulda’s cathedral. The route was opened in 2004. The section of the route in the Main Taunus district between Hochheim and Eschborn opens up a varied image of the landscape with outstanding cultural monuments. One can combine being on the road and pausing to think, hiking and experiencing nature with the testimonials of a landscape cultivated over centuries.


Further information (in German) can be found on the association website Bonifatius-Route e.V.

Regional park Rhine Main

Main river bank in Flörsheim

The regional park is a route network made of paths designed to be nearly natural. The network makes our region’s landscape accessible to us in a unique way. The cultivated landscape is made accessible to visitors in accordance with agricultural, conservation concerns but also with art objects and historical references.

The regional park portal (Link in German language) in Flörsheim-Weilbach informs people about the regional park and combines local recreation and environmental education with the neighbouring friends-of-nature house.


In the years since 1995, based on the pilot area around Hattersheim, Flörsheim and Hochheim, regional park routes, have, currently altogether more than 550 km in length, come into being. This network is being continually enlarged. Geographically the regional park stretches from Kinzigtal in the east of the region to the state capital, Wiesbaden, in the west and from Hessian Ried to the Wetterau.

Further information can be found on the website Regional Park Rhine Main.

Fruit tree meadows

Meadow with scattered fruit trees

Meadows scattered with fruit trees provide not only many animals and plants with a habitat, they also influence the region as a cultural landscape. These meadows are hugely important in this metropolitan area. Considerable efforts and common initiatives from people and institutions are necessary to protect them.

The Main Taunus Streuobst e. V. landscape conservation organization in MTK was founded in 1992 by initiatives from the Main Taunus district, local community, nature conservation groups and district farmers’ groups. Private citizens are also members. The association for fruit tree meadows supports everyone, who looks after cultivation, by providing advice regarding choice of variety and care using ecological plant protection. In addition the organization provides courses and information sessions.


 School classes also go into the green classroom orchard with the association; it maintains an apple varieties garden, an orchard educational trail and a school fruit garden. Moreover it organizes family harvest days and is involved in holiday games programmes.


Main-Taunus Streuobst e. V.
Am Kreishaus 1-5
65719 Hofheim

Managing director: Dipl. Ing Landscape conservation Barbara Helling

Mobile: 0151-19688429

Wine adventure trail Upper Rheingau region

On the wine adventure trail with a view of St. Peter and Paul in Hochheim and the Queen Victoria memorial

The wine adventure trail, Upper Rheingau, opened in 2012, shows along its 18 kilometres in total and on 35 information boards things to know about viniculture past and present in Wicker, Hochheim, Flörsheim and Kostheim.

The boards inform people about all the important aspects of viniculture, natural geographical requirements, processing, history and culture. They also refer to historical figures, which are associated with wine from the Upper Rheingau region.

The oldest wayside shrine in the Main Taunus district, the Queen Victoria memorial and many other cultural monuments can be found on or close to the wine adventure trail and bear witness to the region’s rich history. The gate to the Rheingau (the Flörsheim look-out: Flörsheimer Warte), has become a popular excursion destination in middle of the vineyards.


Further information (in German):