
die Deutschlandfahne mit einem weißen Fragezeichen davor.

Where can I find information or advice as a refugee? Which steps should I be aware of in the asylum process? When does my child have to attend school? How do I obtain a work permit? What should I do if I fall ill? Refugees can find the answers to these and further questions in a variety of ways – for instance through online portals, leaflets or an app.

These sources provide general information, which applies nationally. Employees from the district administration or volunteer helpers are available to answer specific, personal questions.


Refugee Guide

Hesse has pooled together information about all kinds of aspects of life in Germany in a refugee guide. It is available in German, English, and French and in a range of languages from refugees’ countries of origin.

Refugee-Guide - deutsch

die deutsche Flagge.

Herzlich willkommenin Deutschland!
Diese Orientierungshilfe enthält nützliche Tipps und Informationen für das Leben in Deutschland. Angeregt wurde diese Orientierungshilfe durch Fragen, die viele Geflüchtete immer wieder stellen.

Refugee Guide - Orientierungshilfe (608835 KB)

Refugee-Guide - englisch

die Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs.

Welcome to Germany!
This guide will provide you with information about the country you now fi nd yourself in. It has been designed in response to common questions asked by refugees.

Refugee-Guide (1719273 KB)

Refugee-Guide - französisch

die französische Flagge.

Bienvenue en Allemagne!
L’objectif de ce guide est de fournir des renseignements sur la vie en Allemagne. Il a été conçu afi n de répondre aux questions les plus fréquentes des réfugiés.

Refugee-Guide (871740 KB)

Refugee-Guide - pashto پښتو‎

Refugee-Guide - tigrinya ትግርኛ

Refugee-Guide - dari درى

Refugee-Guide - arabisch العربية

Refugee-Guide - albanisch shqip

die albanische Fahne.
Mirësevini në Gjermani!
Ky udhërrëfyes ka për qëllim që të ju ofrojë informata për vendin në të cilin gjendeni tani. Është përgatitur në përgjigje të pyetjeve të përgjithshme të refugjatëve. Pjesa më e madhe e këshillave në këtë libërth nuk duhet kuptuar si ligj ose rregulla strikte.

Refugee-Guide - albanisch (1276662 KB)

"Arrive" app.

a hand holding a smartphone. On the display you can see a logo with the word arrive on it

The „Arrive“ app provides general information for refugees in Germany.



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